
Jiahui Hong

About Me
I'm Gaffey and my Chinese name is Hong Jiahui. I come from Quanzhou lied in Fujian Province. Now I am studying in JNU. I make a lot of friends here. I am very happy. Besides, I am a member in SAU(Students Associate Union).I am working in a Japanese Fansub for making poster or profits.

I can use photoshop to make banner, poster. post-processing and so on.Maybe I do not master Photoshop, but I am studying how to use it better ^ ^.Here is my works. Some of them are not very beautiful.And some of them aren't quite true of the original.Because I always CMYK. But the website can only get RGB.

I think my interest is always about computer.I very like PC games.I think it is quite good but some other people think that is not a good interest.I think PC games also is a kind of art.When you play a game,you also like watch a movie or read a novel.You play the character and experience the story.In some games you also can make your own story like civilization.Some of them can build your creativity like Minecraft. And some of them can tell you some truth like GTA5. You can get out of all trouble in game. You can make good friends from gaming.I think it is amazing.